We cannot be effective Progressives without our Progressive News Sources! Corporate Media is everywhere with seemingly unlimited resources! Over 90% of Americans get most all their news and information from the Corporate Media.

We need to help support and promote Progressive News Sources to counter the distortions, omissions and lies of Corporate Media that benefit Multi-National Corporations and the super-rich against the interests of the people!

Please think about subscribing to one or more this year! Most have yearly subscriptions for less than $25.

Special Appeal for your Support: We have an important Progressive Listener sponsored Pacifica Radio Network with 5 stations across the country all of which are accessible from the Internet. The 71-year-old flagship station KPFA -94.1FM from Berkeley, CA is one of my primary information sources with the radio on all day!

Progressive Media is supported as you have supported Bernie Sanders and other Progressive candidates: one individual donor at a time! Without Progressive Media there cannot be effective Progressive Politicians or individuals!