What Next for Progressives

Bernie Sanders has inspired a new generation to join the Progressive Movement!

I supported the election of Bernie Sanders for President, because Bernie deserved our full support. He was our best hope for survival! We were disappointed by his suspended campaign, but now we must move on without him as a Presidential candidate.

Bernie's Special Message - While the Campaign Ends, the Struggle for Justice Continues


Bernie has always said it wasn't about him, but about us and a Progressive Movement! We have Bernie's Progressive Issues Platform! We the foundations of a powerful Progressive Movement in the thousands of Progressive Individuals, Organizations and Alternative Media that have worked tirelessly for many decades. We just need to unite in a common effort to educate and motivate the public masses that there is a better way than the ruthless oligarchic rule of rich corporate elite!


Support Organizations and their Vetted Progressive Candidates

Please become active with organizations promoting Progressive Candidates


Don’t Just Swallow “for profit” Corporate Media Information!

Keep up with Progressive News and Opinions!

Alternative Media

Support Progressive Organizations

These are some of the organizations trying to make the world a better place for all!

Progressive Organizations

Support Formal Political Progressive Alternatives to the Corporate Parties!