Trump Death Clock
In January 2020, the Trump administration was advised that immediate action was required to stop the spread of COVID-19. According to NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, “there was a lot of pushback” to this advice. President Trump declined to act until March 16th. Epidemiologists now estimate that, had mitigation measures been implemented one week earlier, 60% of American COVID-19 deaths would have been avoided.
Most COVID-19 Deaths in U.S. are Trump's Fault
More than 7 million Americans have suffered from COVID-19, including Pres. Trump. Emmy winner Jeffrey Wright narrates the documentary detailing how four years of Trump's actions brought America to this moment (warning: distressing images)

When it comes to fighting coronavirus, the states are on their own. At least according to Donald Trump. At a press briefing in mid-March, he angrily told reporters, "Governors are supposed to be doing a lot of this work," adding, "the federal government is not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items, and then shipping. We're not a shipping clerk. As with testing—the governors are supposed to be doing it." In one Twitter thread from early April, he claimed that any states that aren't getting enough supplies are lying for political reasons, then pivoted, acknowledging that shortages are real but it's the states' fault. He wrote, "Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are a backup for them. The complainers should have been stocked up and ready long before this crisis hit." White House adviser Jared Kushner—who, as head of the government's coronavirus response, told Trump governors were exaggerating the impact of the outbreak—is making similar arguments. He told reporters that the federal stockpile of emergency medical supplies wasn't for states and their residents anyway, saying at one press briefing, "The notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile; it’s not supposed to be state stockpiles that they then use." Neither Kushner nor Trump ever clarified who "our" refers to or who the federal stockpile is for if not Americans who live in those states. And it turns out that even states' own medical supplies aren't for the states either. According to the Los Angeles Times, the federal government, after waiting nearly two months acquire life-saving ventilators and N95 masks, has been seizing equipment from hospitals all over the country, confiscating them with no explanation. A representative for FEMA told the Times that the Department of Health and Human Services had implemented a system that redirected supplies to wherever the need is greatest, but declined to give any more information or say where, exactly, the seized equipment was going. This comes after inconsistent efforts to meet states' needs: Florida, a swing state with an aggressively pro-Trump Republican governor, received everything it requested within three days, while other states like Oregon, Oklahoma, and New Jersey all got less than 10 percent of the equipment they asked for.
THE COVID-19 TRACKING PROJECT - U.S. HISTORICAL DATA Personally, I say the % of deaths responsible by Trump's incompetence should be much higher, Only 2 1/2 weeks earlier ( Feb 27) from March 16 there were only two known cases and zero deaths in America. The virus was identified on January the 7th. The [genetic] sequence was shared on the 12th with the world." The first know case in USA was discovered January 22. China had 623 know cases at that time. WHO announces COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 after more than 20 000 confirmed cases and there have been almost 1000 deaths in the European Region while China had 81,000 cases and 3160 deaths. South Korea had 60 deaths and the USA 28. South Korea took serious action on Feb24th, 3 weeks before Trump even started his haphazard response on March 16th. !
Michael E Kerr